Digitally driven 

We are an independent business unit developed by NEMO with the purpose to serve and support the Automotive Industry with dedicated digital tools and all-embracing communication solutions.


Hybrid Power

Our unparalleled digital expertise, fueled by NEMO's 15-year experience in developing tech solutions and applications, paired with the deep knowledge and creative passion of for all things automotive, is an exclusive combination no other agency can offer to your brand.


We build

We offer Design, Development, Management, Communication and Training services for automotive brands. We drive your success in the digital ecosystem.


Take full advantage

The combined strength and dedication of our in-house teams of Automotive, Technology and Media production experts, allows us to achieve fast delivery for your project objectives, immediate response and solutions to your needs, great adaptability and favorable invoicing policies.



Τhe report

In June we published our first research study, which captures the state of digital preparedness in the Automotive Sector, during this time of rapid change.